Photo by Troy Freund

We work, talk on the phone, stand in the grocery line, and sit at the computer. We drive the car, attend meetings, and watch TV.
But do you think about your posture?

Posture is the way we carry our body. It is defined as the position or attitude of the body or bodily parts. On a daily basis the way we hold our body or bodily parts- can develop bad habits.

So what is “good posture”? Take your own checklist.

-Feet under the hip bones, toes straight ahead.
-Knees over the toes.
-Pelvis balanced from the spine.
-Core muscles activated.
-Chest lifted.
-Side core muscles lengthened and even.
-Shoulders pulled back and down.
-Head rests evenly on top of the spine, ears over shoulders.

So what characteristic way of bearing one’s body, trunk and head are you? What carriage of the body do you embrace?

Dancers refer to posture as proper alignment. It is an important fundamental principle. With proper alignment a dancer can perform the moves and movements needed within the demands of their art form.

Proper postural alignment can bring positive results.
-Effective breathing.
-Ease of movement.
-Better balance.
-Higher energy levels.
-More positive outlook.

Pretty good for a day’s work. It is really only one small step- to think about your posture as you go about your day.

Resources:, Jan. 9, 2012.